Bassett High Teacher, Advisor Named 2019-20 Teacher of the Year Bassett Unified School District's 2019 Teacher of the Year is Bassett High School teacher Christina Topjian!
Bassett Unified Students Explore Career Pathways, Connect with Professionals Bassett Adult School held a career fair for students to connect with community professionals to talk about internships, resume building, soft skills and full-time positions!
¡El objetivo es la conciencia comunitaria! Familia de Bassett ¿Sabía que tenemos dos enlaces comunitarios sobresalientes en nuestro Departamento de Servicios Estudiantiles? Bajo la meta B de “LCAP”, estamos llamados a proporcionar un ambiente de bienvenida centrado en el estudiante. Y Rose Burgueño y Violetta Esparza hacen exactamente eso.
The Goal is Community Awareness! Bassett Family did you know that we have two outstanding community liaisons in our Student Services Department? Under LCAP Goal B, we are called upon to provide a welcoming, student-centered learning environment.
WASC/COE Accreditation Visit Bassett Adult School is reapplying for accreditation from the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) as well as from the Council on Occupational Education (COE). Welcome them as they visit our campus October 7th to the 10th.
Principal's Welcome! Hello, Bassett Adult School Career Training Center students! Read the principal's message for the new 2019-20 school year.
Public Notice - Instructional Materials Pursuant to Education Code (EC) Section 60119 the District is required to hold an annual public hearing and adopt a resolution stating whether each pupil in the district has sufficient textbooks or instructional materials in specified subjects. The Bassett Unified School District will hold a public hearing on Instructional Materials at the regular meeting of the Board of Education.
Bassett Unified Highlights Programs, Teachers and Students at Best of Bassett Celebration Bassett Unified School District held the second annual Celebrating the Best of Bassett showcase, highlighting teachers, programs and students and celebrating their commitment to excellence!
Bassett Unified Celebrates the Class of 2019 Bassett Unified School District is gearing up for graduations!